
HENNESSY JOHN L Insider Transactions

GOOG Stock Insider Transactions

This summary is for reference only. We do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information. Please do your own due diligence.
Not available at this time..
By Trust
Class A Shares ChangeClass A Shares AfterClass B Shares ChangeClass B Shares AfterPriceAmountDateMsgUrl
-80028,5240153.4668$122,7732024-09-16SaleFiling Url
-70029,324165$115,5002024-08-19SaleFiling Url
-80030,0240162.6166$130,0932024-08-12SaleFiling Url
-1,50030,8240185.59$278,3852024-07-16SaleFiling Url
-83632,3240176.7331$147,7492024-06-12SaleFiling Url