
Murphy Glenn Insider Transactions

LULU Stock Insider Transactions

This summary is for reference only. We do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information. Please do your own due diligence.
Direct Holdings
Class A Shares ChangeClass A Shares AfterClass B Shares ChangeClass B Shares AfterPriceAmountDateMsgUrl
407103,79702023-06-15Grant, award...etcFiling Url
487103,39002022-06-10Grant, award...etcFiling Url
397102,90302021-06-11Grant, award...etcFiling Url
439102,50602020-06-16Grant, award...etcFiling Url
745102,06702019-06-17Grant, award...etcFiling Url
-1,294101,322124.19$160,7022018-06-08SaleFiling Url
100,000102,616055.4993$5,549,9302017-06-28Open Market PurchaseFiling Url
2,4172,61602017-06-12Grant, award...etcFiling Url
19919902017-04-12Grant, award...etcFiling Url