
BOTHA ROELOF Insider Transactions

U Stock Insider Transactions

This summary is for reference only. We do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information. Please do your own due diligence.
Direct Holdings
Class A Shares ChangeClass A Shares AfterClass B Shares ChangeClass B Shares AfterPriceAmountDateMsgUrl
18,15051,88302024-06-06Grant, award...etcFiling Url
1,13233,73302023-06-22Grant, award...etcFiling Url
9,21632,60102023-06-09Grant, award...etcFiling Url
6,11523,38502022-06-06Grant, award...etcFiling Url
2,74417,27002021-06-21Grant, award...etcFiling Url
14,52614,52602020-09-17Grant, award...etcFiling Url